Wednesday, February 29, 2012

'SETI' Site Up Again And Searching For Intelligent Life

This week, the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute is re-launching its website and allowing anyone to join in the quest for intelligent life on other planets. Audie Cornish talks to Jill Tarter, director of the Institute's Center for SETI Research, about the site, the search and how it will all work.

Copyright ? 2012 National Public Radio?. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.


The search for intelligent life in the universe has long been the realm of hard science. It requires massive million-dollar telescopes, advanced degrees and the ability to use really complicated words.


JODIE FOSTER: (as Eleanor Arroway) Talk to me, guys.

GEOFFREY BLAKE: (as Fisher) Partially polarized set of moving pulses, amplitude modulated.

MAX MARTINI: (as Willie) We're locked. Systems check out, signal across the board. What's the frequency?

FOSTER: (as Eleanor Arroway) 4.46, 23 gigahertz. Hydrogen times pi, told you.

BLAKE: (as Fisher) Strong sucker, too.

MARTINI: (as Willie) I got it. I got it. I got it. I'm patched in.

FOSTER: (as Eleanor Arroway) All right, let me hear it.

CORNISH: That's from the 1997 film "Contact," starring Jodie Foster, based on the book by Carl Sagan. Until now, most of those wanting to join in the hunt for life out there who didn't have a Ph.D. were left to toil alone in their basements, fussing over ham radios and poring over grainy photos of possible UFOs. Well, citizen scientists, you just got promoted. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute, also known as SETI, is relaunching its website, so that anyone can scour the data coming from outer space and help look for signs of life.

I'm joined by Dr. Jill Tarter, an astrophysicist and director of the Center for SETI Research. Dr. Tarter, welcome to the program.


CORNISH: First, start by telling us how this new website would actually work.

TARTER: Well, people will actually be able to look at raw, real, live data coming from the telescope. I don't think it will be quite as exciting as the clip that you just played, but in fact, people will see signals. They will actually be able to tell us about them, describe them. And if we decide that these are signals that we haven't seen before, then we'll follow up on them in real time, and people will be able to participate in that follow-up as well.

CORNISH: And, of course, this is going to give people access to information from, I believe, the Allen Telescope Array. Can you tell us a little bit about this? Is these radio signals or light signals? What exactly will these citizen scientists be looking for?

TARTER: Well, in the SETI Live application, it is radio signals that are being detected by the Allen Telescope Array, and our equipment actually is looking at a vast amount of data. And only a tiny little bit of it will actually be sent out to the citizen scientists - the parts of the spectrum where there are so many signals that it literally confuses our search system. So we want people to help us describe them, classify them and keep track of whether we've seen them before.

CORNISH: Now, Dr. Tarter, over the years, have you felt any sort of shift in how the public perceives this mission of looking for signals beyond Earth? And do you think it's changed in terms of there are people out there who have criticized in? It's been the subject of ridicule at times. And will this project make a difference?

TARTER: Well, it certainly is something that people have ridiculed in the past, but actually, the thing that's changing right now and it's a huge paradigm shift is exoplanets. So we now know about thousands of other planetary systems out there. I actually know where there are planetary systems, and that's where we're pointing the telescope.

CORNISH: Is there any time when you have doubts and that you question your mission?

TARTER: Well, I always have questions, and I don't know the answer. But I'm fundamentally convinced that this is as legitimate a question as how did galaxies form and how old is the cosmos. And I just am totally thrilled by the fact that I happen to be alive in the first generation among thousands of generations, which have asked this question. And suddenly, we have the tools of the astronomer to try and answer the question by doing experiments rather than asking the priests and the philosophers what we should believe.

CORNISH: Well, Dr. Jill Tarter, thank you so much for talking with us.

TARTER: You're very welcome, Audie.


CORNISH: Dr. Jill Tarter, astrophysicist and director of the Center for SETI Research, talking with us about the group's website, SETI Live. That's The site relaunches tomorrow, and it will allow citizen scientists to help sift through mountains of data in the search for intelligent life. Dr. tarter spoke with us from the annual TED Conference in Long Beach, California. It's a gathering of big thinkers from the worlds of technology, entertainment and design.

Copyright ? 2012 National Public Radio?. All rights reserved. No quotes from the materials contained herein may be used in any media without attribution to National Public Radio. This transcript is provided for personal, noncommercial use only, pursuant to our Terms of Use. Any other use requires NPR's prior permission. Visit our permissions page for further information.

NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by a contractor for NPR, and accuracy and availability may vary. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Please be aware that the authoritative record of NPR's programming is the audio.


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SEO Copywriting for a Global International Market

?Do they speak English in Australia??
- Anonymous, United States?

Believe it or not, I was asked this question during my year of student exchange in the United States.

My response:

?Yes, but you?ll have to learn it first.?

Australian English is quite different from American English in terms of pronunciation, vocabulary, spelling and grammar. George Bernard Shaw said it best? ?Two nations separated by a common language?. I openly recall Americans being confused and amused all at once by my Aussie charm. It wasn?t until I had lived here for little over a year and worked in the SEO copywriting field, did I truly realize just how much of a difference there is between the two dialects. Australian spelling is actually somewhat similar to British spelling due to our historical ties with Britain.

Thankfully, technology has made it easier for Australians to pursue a career in the SEO copywriting field in the United States. A hint for all you aspiring Australian copywriters that dare to venture to the United States; the set language, spelling and grammar check features on Microsoft Word are going to be your best buddies. They are sure to have you writing like an American in no time.

If you?re interested in learning more about the dichotomies between Australian and American copy, below are just four of the differences that come to mind.

FYI: This gave my spell check a seizure!

A Love Affair with ?u?

Australian English believes in the preservation of the letter ?u?. Although there is no real justifiable reason, we prefer to retain the letter ?u? in certain copy such as honour, favour, colour and labour. On the other hand, Americans prefer to omit the letter ?u? to read as honor, favor, color and labor.

?re? over ?er?

The look of certain words in Australian copy can come across as sophisticated?perhaps because of our historical ties to the Queen of Great Britain. Don?t be fooled. Aussies are far from classy. We simply fancy the ending ?re? over ?er?. Take, for instance, the words theatre, centre and kilometre. On the other hand, Americans prefer the ending ?er? to read as theater, center and kilometer.

Exile the ?z?

In Australian English, the ?ise? ending is used in copy such as organise, realise and jeopardise. On the other hand, Americans prefer the ending ?ize? to read as organize, realize and jeopardize. As an SEO copywriter, one phrase I definitely need to know how to spell correctly is search engine optimization. Fun fact: I was actually about to submit my application for the SEO copywriter job opening at Optimum7 with the word optimisation on the cover letter. Lucky for me, my significant other is American and was able to pick up on it before I hit the submit button.

?t? over ?ed?

Another fun fact: During the daunting process of job hunting, my partner was kind enough to review my resume for me. ?Learnt? Oh that is so country!? No offense to all you countrysiders out there. Little did we know, Australian English opts for ?t? over ?ed? to form learnt and dreamt while American English prefers the ending ?ed? to read learned and dreamed.

Why is this Important for SEO Copywriters?

Once the Internet was born, the space-time continuum collapsed and globalization pierced the foundation of our being. People from all corners of the world were now able to facilitate exchanges in real time. This led to the emergence of an online global market. As an SEO copywriter, it?s important to be aware of the subtle differences within the English language. Why? Let?s face it. Nothing in life is for certain. One day you may be expected to write for an English speaking audience in a different country?and I?m living proof of it.

While it?s true that the variations in the English language become even more of a consideration if your clients are global, it?s also important to keep in mind that even if your clients are local, your client?s clients may be scattered throughout the globe. If that?s the case, which English do you use in your web copy? It may seem like an insignificant matter, but some readers can be very picky. You?ll just have to be ruthless and distinguish which of your client?s English speaking audiences delivers the greatest revenue, and cater to them. After all, at the end of the day, business is all about profit.

If your client or your client?s clients are international, it would be a wise idea to first approach your client to clarify which variety of English they are more comfortable reading. If you fail to do this, it may not resonate with the target audience, and may even be inconsistent with their preexisting material. Don?t waste your time on local colloquialism or slang either as it runs the risk of turning your readers off from the content. It?s also a great idea to provide conversions as inches, miles, pounds, gallons and Fahrenheit mean nothing to someone who has grown up with centimetres, kilometres, kilograms, litres and Celsius. Lastly, be careful of the date format. Date your articles and correspondence with your clients using the correct format. In the United States, the correct format is MM/DD/YYYY. In Australia, the correct format is DD/MM/YYYY.

If you can provide prospective clients with a genuine understanding of the nuances of the English language, you?re more likely to secure them as a paying client. After all, words are our income. Make sure you sit down and discuss the specifics of which spelling and grammar you?ll use for what project.

The Implications for Search Engine Optimization

Let?s recap. So far we?ve dissected the different shades and tones of Australian and American English. We?ve also discussed the importance for SEO copywriting and pleasing target audiences.

So, what about the search engines? SEO copywriting isn?t just about pleasing your target audience; it?s also about pleasing the search engines, right? So what do you do when half of your audience are searching for honour, theatre, organistion? and learnt while the other half of your audience are searching for honor, theater, organization and learned?

You not only have to worry about how different traffic reacts to your copy but also what implications does this have for what kind of traffic you attract, and from where? If you?re a multinational, the simple answer would be to create localized domains for Australia and America and optimize for both. Unfortunately, that?s when all the duplicate content issues arise. Google may penalize you for having duplicate content, and this of course, will harm your search engine rankings.

Stay tuned for more information on how to handle this delicate situation?

Want to learn more about Australian English? Here are some fun links. ?


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Curcumin is a potent tool in the war against prostate cancer and ... printable article
Originally published February 27 2012

Curcumin is a potent tool in the war against prostate cancer and dementia
by John Phillip
See all articles by this author

(NaturalNews) Curcumin, the active anti-inflammatory compound found in the Indian spice tumeric, has gained an impressive reputation in the fight against many deadly forms of cancer. New evidence released in the journal Cancer Research finds that the natural phenol can slow prostate tumor growth by blocking receptors used to propagate cell tissue growth.

Additional research published in the journal PLoS One explains the precise mechanism exerted by curcumin molecules to target the amyloid fibrils associated with the unnatural progression of protein-like plaque tangles that are characteristic in Alzheimer?s disease patients. Adding curry spice to your healthy diet or supplementing daily with a standardized curcumin capsule will help win your individual war against cancerous proliferation and Alzheimer?s dementia.

Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of the disease, with more than 250,000 diagnoses in the US each year. Any natural compound that targets the proliferation of prostate cancer cells would provide a significant remedy compared with the allopathic methods of radiation, surgery and chemical agents. To conduct the study, researchers subjected prostate cancer cells to hormone deprivation in the presence and absence of curcumin with ?physiologically attainable? doses.

Curcumin blocks prostate cell receptors to thwart cancer progression
The researchers found that curcumin blocked two genetic receptors necessary for prostate cancer advancement. These receptors have been shown is past studies to predict cancer incidence and rate of growth of existing tumors. They noted that the spice extract was ?a potent inhibitor of both cell cycle and survival in prostate cancer cells.?

The lead study author, Dr. Karen Knudsen and her team found that other cancer cell lines multiply by a similar receptor mechanism and may also be inhibited by the curry compound. She commented that curcumin ?also has implications beyond prostate cancer? in other malignancies, like breast cancer. In tumors where these play an important function, curcumin may prove to be a promising therapeutic agent.?

In a separate research body, scientists found that curcumin prolongs life and enhances activity of brain neurons, acting as a neuroprotective shield against Alzheimer?s disease advancement. The research team determined that curcumin acted to prevent the damaging accumulation of amyloid fibrils around the nerve synapse. Amyloid tangles are known to prevent normal electrical and chemical transmissions required to form memories and maintain cognition.

Scientific research models continue to extol the virtues of natural spice and herbal extracts such as curcumin to help prevent and treat many deadly diseases that kill countless millions each year. Incorporate curry spices as part of your healthy diet or include a daily supplement (250 mg to 500 mg standardized curcumin extract) to significantly lower cancer risk and support healthy brain function.

Sources for this article include:

About the author:
John Phillip is a Health Researcher and Author who writes regularly on the cutting edge use of diet, lifestyle modifications and targeted supplementation to enhance and improve the quality and length of life. John is the author of ?Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan?, a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise, Mind and Targeted Supplementation to achieve your weight loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to continue reading the latest health news updates, and to download your Free 48 page copy of ?Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan?.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

AT&T Is Planning to Let Developers Pay for Your Data Usage [Data]

Comparing it to the data equivalent of a toll-free 1-800 number, AT&T's network and technology head John Donovan, said that AT&T is working on creating a service that would let developers foot the bill for data usage in its apps. Like if all the data you used in an app would be free to the user and not count against data usage limits. More »


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Computer Training and Information Technology Certification ...

Information technology laptop training, or IT laptop training for short, has grow to be one of the talked about subjects in todays world. With information technology using the world in opposition to a world village, it has grow to be roughly crucial for everybody to have IT laptop training. This is almost like the idea of endodontist salary.

At present, even easy daily duties want a few type of laptop knowledge. Banking, driving, travel bookings, paying bills, buying groceries and plenty of other on a regular basis jobs have grow to be computerized. It has grow to be crucial that people are laptop literate with a purpose to get their work done.

IT laptop training has many spaces to it. There are numerous lessons that you?ll make a selection from, in step with your preference. Software applications, networking, internet designing, securities, laptop repairing and upkeep are a couple of lessons available under IT laptop training.

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A lot of other folks take information technology as a career. Such other folks too are seeking for IT laptop training with a purpose to reach their occupation goals. There are many different spaces in IT that a person can specialize in. Each area is other and requires other skills. Each area holds other activity opportunities. Some other folks opt to grow to be IT trainers. This too is becoming a very talked-about activity as many of us are seeking for IT laptop training at present. There are also possibilities in colleges and IT institutes for IT trainers. Click on this to read further.

The activity market for IT trained group of workers could be very high. There are extraordinarily excellent activity opportunities, with sexy payments, in every field and business as a result of all of them have a few use for info technology. Therefore it is highly unlikely that you will end up and not using a activity you probably have had IT laptop training.

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Harvard group seeks degrees for gays expelled

(AP) ? Students and faculty at Harvard University are urging administrators to award posthumous degrees to seven students expelled from the Ivy League school in 1920 because they were gay or perceived to be gay.

The group plans to hold a rally Wednesday during a campus visit by Lady Gaga, who will be at Harvard to launch her Born This Way anti-bullying foundation. The singer has been a strong activist for the gay community.

The group says it wants Harvard to formally abolish its so-called "secret court," a tribunal of administrators that investigated charges of homosexual activity among students in 1920. The tribunal remained a secret for decades, only becoming public in 2002 after a student reporter at Harvard searching the school's archive came across a file labeled "secret court" and reported on the school's expulsion of the students.

Lady Gaga's new foundation, named after her 2011 hit song and album, will address issues such as self-confidence, well-being, anti-bullying and mentoring through research, education and advocacy. The singer is expected to be joined by Oprah Winfrey, spiritual leader Deepak Chopra and U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius during a kickoff event Wednesday on the Harvard campus.

"Given the Born This Way Foundation's commitment to this mission and their choice to launch their foundation at Harvard, we felt like this was an opportunity to ask for their support and would hope they would join us in asking Harvard to do the right thing here and help seek justice for these students," said Kaia Stern, a visiting faculty member at Harvard who plans to attend the rally.

Harvard administrators apologized for the secret court in 2002.

Former Harvard President Lawrence Summers called the episode "abhorrent and an affront to the values of our university."

"I want to express our deep regret for the way this situation was handled, as well as the anguish the students and their families must have experienced eight decades ago," Summers said in a 2002 statement to The Harvard Crimson newspaper.

A Harvard spokesman did not immediately return calls Tuesday seeking comment.

Associated Press


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Massimiliano Blardone wins World Cup giant slalom

Italy's Massimiliano Blardone speeds down the course on his way to win an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012. Blardone mastered a fast-deteriorating course to beat World Cup overall leader Marcel Hirscher in a giant slalom on Sunday. (AP Photo/Shinichiro Tanaka)

Italy's Massimiliano Blardone speeds down the course on his way to win an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012. Blardone mastered a fast-deteriorating course to beat World Cup overall leader Marcel Hirscher in a giant slalom on Sunday. (AP Photo/Shinichiro Tanaka)

Italy's Massimiliano Blardone, right, winner of an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, celebrates on the podium with second placed Austria's Marcel Hirscher, in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Shinichiro Tanaka)

Italy's Massimiliano Blardone, center, winner of an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom, celebrates on the podium with second placed Austria's Marcel Hirscher, left, and third placed Austria's Hannes Reichelt, in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012. (AP Photo/Alessandro Trovati)

Italy's Massimiliano Blardone holds his trophy on the podium after winning an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012. Blardone mastered a fast-deteriorating course to beat World Cup overall leader Marcel Hirscher in a giant slalom on Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandro Trovati)

Italy's Massimiliano Blardone celebrates after winning an alpine ski, men's World Cup giant slalom in Crans Montana, Switzerland, Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012. Blardone mastered a fast-deteriorating course to beat World Cup overall leader Marcel Hirscher in a giant slalom on Sunday. (AP Photo/Alessandro Trovati)

(AP) ? Massimiliano Blardone mastered a fast-deteriorating course Sunday to beat World Cup overall leader Marcel Hirscher in a giant slalom.

Blardone trailed Hirscher by 0.02 seconds after the first leg, then raced through soft, rutted snow to complete the two runs in 2 minutes, 33.77 seconds.

It was the 32-year-old Italian's second win of the season and he celebrated by leaping onto the air-bag fences surrounding the finish area.

"It's another oldie who has won today," Blardone said in Italian after veterans Didier Cuche and Benjamin Raich won super-G races the previous two days.

Hirscher was 0.16 behind in second, and Austrian teammate Hannes Reichelt soared from 11th to finish third, trailing Blardone by 0.82. Ted Ligety of the U.S. was ninth.

Bode Miller sat out his third straight race on the Nationale course to help his left knee heal after minor surgery last week. U.S. teammates Tommy Ford and Tim Jitloff capitalized on early starts in the second leg and finished 19th and 22nd.

By gaining 80 World Cup points, Hirscher extended his lead in the overall and discipline standings with just three weeks of racing to go. He leads by 92 overall from Ivica Kostelic, the defending overall champion from Croatia who is sidelined after knee surgery.

"It's perfect," Hirscher said, despite letting his morning lead slip. "I didn't lose 20 points, I won 80. In GS races, it's very difficult in these soft conditions."

Blardone, Hirscher and Ligety, the defending GS champion, have combined to win all seven races in the discipline this season.

Ligety was 1.29 behind Blardone after being seventh fastest in the morning. His fears of finding tough conditions in the warm afternoon sun proved correct ? only four top-10 racers from the first leg held their place in the final top 10.

Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway had been third but flipped through the air after his right wrist caught a gate. He reported feeling neck pains but no serious injury.

Hirscher built a commanding position in the World Cup standings, with third-placed Beat Feuz of Switzerland failing to qualify for the second run and now trailing by 95 points.

Feuz can regain ground next weekend when three speed races are scheduled at Kvitfjell, Norway, while technical specialist Hirscher stays home to train on the World Cup finals course at Schladming.

Hirscher leads Ligety by 132 points in the GS standings with two races left. The American has won the title three of the past four seasons.

Blardone is third, 187 back, having added victory on a hill where he skied during childhood vacations to his win at Alta Badia, Italy, in December. His seventh career World Cup win came after days of dedicated training on soft snow.

"I'm good at checking the weather forecasts," Blardone said. "I came here and was completely at home with the conditions."

Cuche and Raich stood eighth and sixth after the first run but could not find speed on the slushy surface. In his final home World Cup race before retiring, Cuche finished 15th. In the finish area, 13,000 spectators chanted his name.

"I'm a bit disappointed," said the 37-year-old Swiss star, who blew kisses to the grandstands. "I wanted to give them a better result."

Associated Press


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Many Moods of Titan

ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2012) ? A set of recent papers, many of which draw on data from NASA's Cassini spacecraft, reveal new details in the emerging picture of how Saturn's moon Titan shifts with the seasons and even throughout the day. The papers, published in the journal Planetary and Space Science in a special issue titled "Titan through Time," show how this largest moon of Saturn is a cousin -- though a very peculiar cousin -- of Earth.

"As a whole, these papers give us some new pieces in the jigsaw puzzle that is Titan," said Conor Nixon, a Cassini team scientist at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., who co-edited the special issue with Ralph Lorenz, a Cassini team scientist based at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Md. "They show us in detail how Titan's atmosphere and surface behave like Earth's -- with clouds, rainfall, river valleys and lakes. They show us that the seasons change, too, on Titan, although in unexpected ways."

A paper led by Stephane Le Mouelic, a Cassini team associate at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) at the University of Nantes, highlights the kind of seasonal changes that occur at Titan with a set of the best looks yet at the vast north polar cloud.

A newly published selection of images -- made from data collected by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer over five years -- shows how the cloud thinned out and retreated as winter turned to spring in the northern hemisphere.

Cassini first detected the cloud, which scientists think is composed of ethane, shortly after its arrival in the Saturn system in 2004. The first really good opportunity for the spectrometer to observe the half-lit north pole occurred on December 2006. At that time, the cloud appeared to cover the north pole completely down to about 55 degrees north latitude. But in the 2009 images, the cloud cover had so many gaps it unveiled to Cassini's view the hydrocarbon sea known as Kraken Mare and surrounding lakes.

"Snapshot by snapshot, these images give Cassini scientists concrete evidence that Titan's atmosphere changes with the seasons," said Le Mouelic. "We can't wait to see more of the surface, in particular in the northern land of lakes and seas."

In data gathered by Cassini's composite infrared mapping spectrometer to analyze temperatures on Titan's surface, not only did scientists see seasonal change on Titan, but they also saw day-to-night surface temperature changes for the first time. The paper, led by Valeria Cottini, a Cassini associate based at Goddard, used data collected at a wavelength that penetrated through Titan's thick haze to see the moon's surface. Like Earth, the surface temperature of Titan, which is usually in the chilly mid-90 kelvins (around minus 288 degrees Fahrenheit), was significantly warmer in the late afternoon than around dawn.

"While the temperature difference -- 1.5 kelvins -- is smaller than what we're used to on Earth, the finding still shows that Titan's surface behaves in ways familiar to us earthlings," Cottini said. "We now see how the long Titan day (about 16 Earth days) reveals itself through the clouds."

A third paper by Dominic Fortes, an outside researcher based at University College London, England, addresses the long-standing mystery of the structure of Titan's interior and its relationship to the strikingly Earth-like range of geologic features seen on the surface. Fortes constructed an array of models of Titan's interior and compared these with newly acquired data from Cassini's radio science experiment.

The work shows the moon's interior is partly or possibly even fully differentiated. This means that the core is denser than outer parts of the moon, although less dense than expected. This may be because the core still contains a large amount of ice or because the rocks have reacted with water to form low-density minerals.

Earth and other terrestrial planets are fully differentiated and have a dense iron core. Fortes' model, however, rules out a metallic core inside Titan and agrees with Cassini magnetometer data that suggests a relatively cool and wet rocky interior. The new model also highlights the difficulty in explaining the presence of important gases in Titan's atmosphere, such as methane and argon-40, since they do not appear to be able to escape from the core.

The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory manages the mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. The visual and infrared mapping spectrometer team is based at the University of Arizona, Tucson. The composite infrared spectrometer team is based at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., where the instrument was built. The radio science subsystem has been jointly developed by NASA and the Italian Space Agency.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Conor A. Nixon, Ralph D. Lorenz. Titan through time: Formation, evolution and fate. Planetary and Space Science, 2012; 60 (1): 1 DOI: 10.1016/j.pss.2011.12.012

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Engadget Interview: BlackBerry PlayBook product manager Michael Clewley

There's no getting around it: it's been a rough couple of years for Research in Motion. This week's on-time release of its PlayBook 2.0 software marked a rare bright spot in an otherwise grim era, bringing much needed features for the QNX platform such as a unified inbox, deeper social integration and updates to the company's BlackBerry Bridge app.

At the same time, the release of the 2.0 software has brought many of our outstanding questions to the fore: why weren't these features present in the first go-round? Why did the company take so long to flesh out its software? And lastly, when will we see some proper second-gen hardware? We sat down with PlayBook product manager Michael Clewley to discuss the slate's ups and downs, and how the revamped tablet stacks up in an increasingly crowded field.

Continue reading The Engadget Interview: BlackBerry PlayBook product manager Michael Clewley

The Engadget Interview: BlackBerry PlayBook product manager Michael Clewley originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 23 Feb 2012 20:00:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Marketing for Reator's: Realtor Marketing: 6 Reasons You Should ...

Blogging holds relatively young together with developing medium tv channel. Even though the right way to around for related to 5 years, no one is generally sure where it will be in the other 5 to a decade's. One thing is ideal for sure. It's a good tool for developing your Realtor profile, online presence, maintaining communication in your current and even future customers together with offering valuable information to folks that need it within a unfiltered and point way.

I hope now you may clearly see so why blogging is an extremely great resource meant for marketing your properties practice. At the same time frame only a minor percentage or real estate agent use it to the advantage. Why? It is actually hard, it takes time and a lot of Realtors simply don't find out how to do it ideal.

The lack for focus and blog penetration within the real estate industry gives the unique opportunity meant for Realtors who do it right. It will give them time to reach more consumers, establish more lenses, become more visual, convert more visitors to clients for example. Yes, I know there's no need enough time in your own day to deal with this. However, there are many huge reasons to use a blog, that you needn't dismiss it right right out the gate.

Let's just consider 6 key purposes why you as a realtor should have a good blog.

1. Direct Communication In your Existing or Prospects: Most website happen to be static, providing customers when using the same information frequently. A Blog then again gives you a way to engage your visitors from a direct and monthly manner. Providing them utilizing answers and recent information they anxiously need. They will love you for it all.

2. Position Yourself When the Pinnacle Of Properties Knowledge: Blogging will enable you to display all within the information, skills, knowledge and experience you will have as a real estate agent. Because you shall be sharing this material freely, your customers enables you as a good beacon of light that they need. The formula is sort of simple. The more data you will supply more customers arrives your way.

3. Lead generation programs: Think of blogs as cost effective and high profile method everyone likes. As you pursue to publish great together with relevant content, more people could read it and come your drive. You can consequently easily convert the ones visitor to tremendously qualified leads together with subsequently convert highly qualified will cause paying customers.

3. Outperform Your Contest: Think about it for that second. There are in all likelihood hundreds of real estate agent competing in an individual's market. How on earth do you differentiate yourself from? Yep, you got it. By publishing a good blog, your customers enables you as someone around just another realtor.

5. Build Shut down Relationships: One of any Blogging benefits is certainly that it will let you build personal romances. As you fully understand, personal relationships end up in more trust together with subsequently more online business.

6. SEO & Huge Ranking: We have already described SEO and how to attract to the internet page #1 on Msn multiple times. Only so i can repeat, if you ought to be on internet page #1 you better contain a blog with brilliant and recent material.

These 6 reasons alone has to be enough justification on your behalf as a Realtor get started on Blogging right away. Remember, it's liberated to start your webpage. All you must do is commit your time and energy to it. It's a procedure that takes point in time and real effort for your part. At the same time frame the benefits outweigh the hassle required 10 to 1. Plus, nothing in daily life worth doing commonly be installed. So, what thinking of waiting for?

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Networking: For Business and PR ? Go Beyond ? Push the Envelope

Annette VendittiBy: Annette Venditti, Communications Ally

I must confess that I am a product of the 90s, a time in my early career when networking and communication of the services my employer offered took the traditional path of print advertising and brochures, direct mail, local/national trade shows, etc. These forms of communicating your brand/business still exist and, but more often they are used in balance with modern forms of networking and sharing information about you and your business.

Today, we have a more interesting challenge as the World Wide Web has offered us massively popular channels to connect with friends, other businesses as well as current and potential clients. I will, however, tell you that some of the same rules apply ? especially when we speak of the human or personal connection. Here are some guidelines I have learned to follow in today?s world, which have helped me build relationships and make the long-term connections I was looking to gain.

Make the Connection

Seek out local networking groups and organizations where a diverse collection of businesses attend on a regular basis. Make the time to attend these events on a regular basis as this is your opportunity to listen to others about their business and their personal experiences. These events will give you the chance to share your own story and the passion that drives you towards your own business goals. Also keep in mind who else will be attendance so you can be sure to reach your target audience (i.e. If you want medium to large business decision makers, going to a business card exchange may not be right.)

TIP: Set the standard in your networking process and offer newly made connections information and, if you can, do something for them like introducing them to someone who may be interested in their product or services. This trust- building activity will afford you positive results as I have not met anyone yet who did not appreciate some friendly guidance and professional help and had them NOT remember me for it.

Be ?Professionally? Social

Use social connections intelligently and professionally. Facebook and LinkedIn are great ways to connect with other related businesses from which you can benchmark or that you can connect with, as well as to multiple individuals from all over the world who have the same interests and ?likes? (Hint: These are your potential clients!). Facebook allows you to set-up a business page vs. a personal page making your company brand more trust worthy and believable. Share information on these social channels that is both informative and educational on a consistent basis and you will see your connections come to life.

Get Involved and Give Back

Are you actively taking advantage of the philanthropic side of your business? Give back any way you or your company can afford, get connected with local non-profits that make sense to you and to your business message while helping those who need it most. Community involvement is a perfect way to create goodwill opportunities and to show your community what you, personally and professionally, stand for. This will serve your public relations efforts well too.

The Bottom Line

Do your homework, get out there and make an effort to create new connections. It?s not often that new relationships are made by someone coming to your front door. You have to make the effort ? on your behalf and your company?s. Good luck!


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Friday, February 24, 2012

Health and Fitness Article ? Treating Common Back Pain ...

Post by Constantine Kara

If your back pain does not call for medical attention, i.e. if you feel you more than exerted the muscles you can execute a couple of actions at home to, possibly relieve your discomfort. The frequent remedies incorporate bed rest, discomfort remedies, cold or hot pads, massage, unwind, and so on.

At times when we pull the muscles discomfort relievers can support decrease the discomfort. Common over-the-counter meds contain ibuprofen, aspirin, or meds with acetaminophen included. You ought to stay away from taking ibuprofen and aspirin combined to treat common back pain. In addition, if you have asthma, allergies, or polyps, leave ibuprofen and aspirin alone.

Cold packs perform well, yet if you have conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or related symptoms you should avoid making use of cold packs. Cold packs can decrease back discomfort otherwise if you enable the packs to remain on your back extended enough to minimize muscle spasms, pain, or inflammation. Leave the cold pack on the area exactly where your discomfort is for at least twenty minutes.

Later you can apply hot packs to the area. Stay away from placing hot packs more than areas where scar tissue is present. In addition, if you have poor circulation, avoid placing hot packs in this region as nicely. Leave the hot packs on your back for at least twenty minutes as nicely. Do not use heating pads, given that authorities think that the pads are unsafe. You can take a hot, steamy bath or shower, or acquire hydrocollators and place it on the area. You can locate hydrocollators at pharmacy, or places where medical gear, meds, and so on, are sold.

If you muscles are tight, you may benefit from a massage. If someone you know is willing to give you a massage, ask him or her to rub the location gently. Otherwise, you may locate nearby massage therapists in your region, which offer cost-effective therapy. If the massage increases your pain, ask the person to cease. You may need medical treatment. You ought to stay away from massages if you have fallen and injured your back, or if you had been lately in an accident. Seek medical aid first.

You can also loosen up the back if your muscles are tense. Relaxation promotes wellness, given that the muscles can rest from more than-exertion.

To avoid complicating typical back pains you should move around at least 20 minutes every single day. All through the day we sit, lie on the back, stand, walk, and so on, which all applies gravity pressure to the spine. We can learn proper sitting strategies to steer clear of complicating common back pain.

When sitting you can roll a towel up and situate it at the lower back and on your chair. This will give the lumbar support. If you have, certain conditions even so keep away from using such help. Circumstances such as spine stenosis or spondylolisthesis can turn into irritated if you use back supports in such a way.

At what time you sit, attempt to use a chair that has armrests so that you can use the rests to lower your self in position. Steer clear of placing the legs directly ?in front of you,? and do not bend when you lift your self from the chair. Steer clear of twisting when rising from a seated position as well.

To reduce back pain you ought to steer clear of sitting for long hours. Walk about in intervals if you have a job that demands you to sit for long hours. At what time you sit, try to position your knees so that they are somewhat above the hips.

Prevalent back stress can be reduced, however if you try remedies at residence or at work and the remedies fail, you could want to seek medical suggestions.

About the Author

For far more on other health and fitness visit Wellness And Fitness Articles Directory.

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A Word From Our Sponsor On Protecting Your Home With Flood ...

A flood insurance New Jersey policy can be a great supplement to your regular home insurance policy. Having the added coverage of flood insurance can help keep you completely safe, no matter what mishap falls upon your home and belongings. Everybody may know the importance of having home insurance, but flood insurance may be the forgotten coverage.
A flood insurance policy is especially important for those who live in moisture rich areas that frequently experience heavy rainfall; but this policy can be a great protection for everybody. You may not know when your pipes are going to burst, causing several feet of water to claim your home. The truth is that floods can happen anywhere and to anyone. No one is safe from water entering your home.
Having a flood insurance New Jersey policy will not only provide protection for you and your home?s structure, but may also protect the belongings inside your home that may become damaged in the course of a flood. Carpeting, furniture, and new walls can become expensive repairs when damaged by water. Water is not a forgiving type of damage and can lead to more problems if not taken care of properly.
Protect your home, your belongings, and most importantly your family by signing up for a flood insurance New Jersey policy today. When the waters starts rising in your home, you will not regret the decision to pay a little extra for a lot of protection.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

British man gets probation in KBR bribery scheme (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - A British man has been sentenced to probation for helping a former Halliburton Co. subsidiary steer massive bribes to Nigerian officials to win more than $6 billion in construction contracts.


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

EU report says Nicaragua vote lacked transparency (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]AP - A European Union observer team says there were irregularities in Nicaragua's presidential elections in November.


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Breast Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 | Current Partnering

The Breast Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 report provides understanding and access to the breast cancer partnering deals and agreements entered into by the worlds leading healthcare companies.

  • Trends in breast cancer partnering deals
  • Top breast cancer deals by value
  • Deals listed by company A-Z, industry sector, stage of development, technology type

The Breast Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 provides understanding and access to the breast cancer partnering deals and agreements entered into by the worlds leading healthcare companies.

The report provides an analysis of breast cancer partnering deals. The majority of deals are discovery or development stage whereby the licensee obtains a right or an option right to license the licensors breast cancer technology. These deals tend to be multicomponent, starting with collaborative R&D, and commercialization of outcomes.

Understanding the flexibility of a prospective partner?s negotiated deals terms provides critical insight into the negotiation process in terms of what you can expect to achieve during the negotiation of terms. Whilst many smaller companies will be seeking details of the payments clauses, the devil is in the detail in terms of how payments are triggered ? contract documents provide this insight where press releases do not.

This data driven report contains over 250 links to online copies of actual breast cancer deals and contract documents as submitted to the Securities Exchange Commission by companies and their partners, where available. Contract documents provide the answers to numerous questions about a prospective partner?s flexibility on a wide range of important issues, many of which will have a significant impact on each party?s ability to derive value from the deal.

The initial chapters of this report provide an orientation of breast cancer partnering trends.

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the report, whilst chapter 2 provides an overview of the trends in breast cancer partnering since 2007, including a summary of deals by industry sector, stage of development, deal type, and technology type. Numerous tables provide outline financial trends.

Chapter 3 provides an overview of the leading breast cancer deals since 2007. Deals are listed by headline value, signed by bigpharma, most active bigpharma. Where the deal has an agreement contract published at the SEC a link provides online access to the contract.

Chapter 4 provides a comprehensive directory of breast cancer partnering deals signed and announced since 2007. The chapter is organized by company A-Z, stage of development at signing, deal type (collaborative R&D, co-promotion, licensing etc), and technology type. Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record, and where available the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

In conclusion, this report provides everything a prospective dealmaker needs to know about partnering in the
research, development and commercialization of breast cancer technologies and products.

Report scope

Breast Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 is intended to provide the reader with an in-depth understanding and access to breast cancer trends and structure of deals entered into by leading companies worldwide.

This data driven report includes:

  • Trends in breast cancer dealmaking in the biopharma industry since 2007
  • Access to summary headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Access to over 250 breast cancer contract documents
  • The leading breast cancer deals by value since 2007

In Breast Cancer Partnering 2007-2012, the available deals are listed by:

  • Headline value
  • Upfront payment value
  • Royalty rate value
  • Company A-Z
  • Industry sector
  • Stage of development at signing
  • Deal component type
  • Technology type

Each deal title links via Weblink to an online version of the deal record and where available, the contract document, providing easy access to each contract document on demand.

Breast Cancer Partnering 2007-2012 provides the reader with the following key benefits:

  • In-depth understanding of breast cancer deal trends since 2007
  • Access to summary headline, upfront, milestone and royalty data
  • Comprehensive access to over 250 actual breast cancer deals entered into by the world?s biopharma companies since 2007
  • Insight into key deal terms included in contracts, where disclosed
  • Understand the key deal terms companies have agreed in deals
  • Undertake due diligence to assess suitability of your proposed deal terms for partner companies
  • $1,695: single-user
  • $2,595: multi-user
  • $5,095: single site license
  • $8,475: global site license

An annual subscription to quarterly updates can be purchased for a small additional fee; ensuring you are kept up-to-date with the very latest breast cancer partnering deals. Quarterly updates available from $847.50.

A full explanation of license type definitions can be found here.

An additional $500 per copy will be added for full print and CD-ROM requests.



Exclusive: China, India plan Iran oil cuts of 10 percent or more (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - China, India and Japan are planning cuts of at least 10 percent in Iranian crude imports as tightening U.S. sanctions make it difficult for the top Asian buyers to keep doing business with the OPEC producer.


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Stratospheric superbugs offer new source of power

ScienceDaily (Feb. 21, 2012) ? Bacteria normally found 30 kilometres above Earth have been identified as highly efficient generators of electricity.

Bacillus stratosphericus -- a microbe commonly found in high concentrations in the stratosphere -- is a key component of a new 'super' biofilm that has been engineered by a team of scientists from Newcastle University.

Isolating 75 different species of bacteria from the Wear Estuary, Country Durham, UK, the team tested the power-generation of each one using a microbial fuel cell (MFC).

By selecting the best species of bacteria, a kind of microbial "pick and mix," they were able to create an artificial biofilm, doubling the electrical output of the MFC from 105 Watts per cubic metre to 200 Watts per cubic metre.

While still relatively low, this would be enough power to run an electric light and could provide a much needed power source in parts of the world without electricity.

Among the 'super' bugs was B. stratosphericus, a microbe normally found in the atmosphere but brought down to Earth as a result of atmospheric cycling processes and isolated by the team from the bed of the River Wear.

Publishing their findings Feb. 21 in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Environmental Science and Technology,

Grant Burgess, Professor of Marine Biotechnology at Newcastle University, said the research demonstrated the "potential power of the technique."

"What we have done is deliberately manipulate the microbial mix to engineer a biofilm that is more efficient at generating electricity," he explains.

"This is the first time individual microbes have been studied and selected in this way. Finding B. stratosphericus was quite a surprise but what it demonstrates is the potential of this technique for the future -- there are billions of microbes out there with the potential to generate power."

The use of microbes to generate electricity is not a new concept and has been used in the treatment of waste water and sewage plants.

Microbial fuel cells, which work in a similar way to a battery, use bacteria to convert organic compounds directly into electricity by a process known as bio-catalytic oxidation.

A biofilm -- or 'slime' -- coats the carbon electrodes of the MFC and as the bacteria feed, they produce electrons which pass into the electrodes and generate electricity.

Until now, the biofilm has been allowed to grow un-checked but this new study shows for the first time that by manipulating the biofilm you can significantly increase the electrical output of the fuel cell.

Funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the study identified a number of electricity-generating bacteria.

As well as B. stratosphericus, other electricity-generating bugs in the mix were Bacillus altitudinis -- another bug from the upper atmosphere -- and a new member of the phylum Bacteroidetes.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Newcastle University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jinwei Zhang, Enren Zhang, Keith Scott, J. Grant Burgess. Enhanced Electricity Production by Use of Reconstituted Artificial Consortia of Estuarine Bacteria Grown as Biofilms. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012; 120221192908002 DOI: 10.1021/es2020007

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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